Saturday, April 25, 2015

Making Time for Celebrating Mom in the Classroom

Let's face it TIME is such a big factor in the classroom!  When I began teaching 30 years ago it seemed like I had so much extra time.  Education and the students have changed so much over the years that it seems like I am at a constant battle with the clock.

This year I created a way to celebrate Mom in the classroom by incorporating it into a reading lesson on character traits.  During May I often review many reading concepts and character traits is one of them.  I am so excited to use this activity to also create wonderful Mother's Day cards and coupons!

 Click to go to TpT Store

I can't wait to see the beautiful cards the students will create!

The students will also write about their moms.  These type of  activities were always the "keepers" for me as a mom.  I have them stuffed away from my own three kids.  Now that they are teens and young adults these grade school treasures mean even more to me.

As a mom, I always LOVED it when my kids created fun coupons!  Here is a freebie coupon activity for you!

Mother's Day Freebie Super Mom Coupons

Enjoy making Mom a hero in your classroom!  She deserves it and is worth the TIME you spend on the projects!
